Monday, August 7, 2017

Mililani 'Ike Cross Country 2017

Mililani 'Ike students in grades 3 to 5 are invited to try out for our school's Cross Country Team in August.  Here is some important and helpful information to know before try outs begin.

1. Our meet will be held at Mililani Middle School on Wednesday October 25, 2017
2. We will practice after school on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:10 - 3;00 p.m.
3. Practices will be only during the months of September and October
4. The distance of the run for try outs and the meet itself will be around 1 mile long
5. All interested students must have a permission form signed in order to try out for the team
6. Try outs will be run during school hours in the month of August
7. Students are required to wear proper covered shoes for running
8. The top finishing 9 boys and 9 girls in each grade level will qualify for the team

I'll be giving more details regarding Cross Country try outs to all students in grades 3 - 5 during their first day of Physical Education classes in the upcoming days.  The date and tine for try outs will vary by grade levels and weather conditions.  Students will be notified in advance as much as possible for their tentative date of try outs.  If you should have any additional questions, you can reach me at 626-2980, ext. 298


Steve Hokama  (Physical Education Teacher / Coach )